Friday, 7 January 2011

LotRO - Lieutenant

How much radiance do I need to kill the Lieutenant of Barad Guldur? The LT-Hard Mode gives 250 gloom. So if you use 130 Radience and a 50 token, you are still missing 70. You usually have a +5 Token, which reduces the dread to 20. The Destiny Point hope (another 10) is cheap and should be used by all who are not F2P.

If you have less Radience, you can loose much health which makes the chance to get killed by one hit much higher. As the last boss-fights do punish deaths, one death can start an avalanche and cause a wipe.
An other aspect is, that your skills are resisted more often, your arrows hit less and your damage you deal, sink.

In my last Lieutenant fight, I used the 150 Helegrod-Set (Armour of the Aurochs) till the second phase, when the dread gets stronger. This is when I switched to my Barad Guldur Set (I don't have the complete set yet, still missing the shoulders...).

My recommodation is to use the highest radiance you have, at least for the last phase of the fight. This will make you die less and hightens the chance of success.

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