Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Review: Curry-Connection: Wie ich zu fünf Tanten, 34 Cousins und einem neuen Namen kam

This book is on German and I doubt, that there is an English translation. Neverless I'll post here.

When both parents of the protagonist and Author Bruno Ziauddin dies, he goes through their paperwork and becomes interested in his fathers past. His father was born in India and has studied in England. After working in Ghana for some years, he came to Switzerland where he married and the author was born as their only child.

Through the years, he stayed in contact with his seven sisters and Bruno wants to reconnect with his Indian family.

In the book Bruno Ziauddin writes about his search for information about his father, his visits to India and racism (only a little part of the whole book).

For less than 10 EUR it was an interesting book which I do recommend.


  1. great post, just the kind of information I was looking for

  2. Eine berührende Familiengeschichte, die sich auch mit dem Thema Rassismus gegenüber Migranten aus anderen Kulturkreisen auseinandersetzt. Ein lesenswertes Buch!

  3. Eine berührende Familiengeschichte, die sich auch mit dem Thema Rassismus gegenüber Migranten aus anderen Kulturkreisen auseinandersetzt. Ein lesenswertes Buch!
