Since my last update, I have been playing less. Lots of work....
I did some quests in Winterhome as I am trying to get the hidden deed and title "the Openhanded". Not there yet.
I brought my Guardian to the Barad Guldur and managed to tank Durchest and the Twins successful on Hard-Mode. Didn't win a piece though.
On the plus side, I got some days off soon, so I can play more. I want to get some more of the random-drop recepies to get my crafters up to date. Might even continue to do the quests in Enedwaith with my Guardian and Warden.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
LotRO - Update
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Sony 3D bundle
I was suprised, that after entering the code on the sony-site to get GT5, there was no confirmation. I did wait for some days and after having checked my emails, I wrote Sony. Less than 24 hours later, I got a reply, telling me that my registration had worked and that the game would be sent next week.
About a week later, I had mail.
I will review Gran Turismo 5 in a seperate post.
However, even with all the updates needed, I couldn't get the other games that were part of the bundle. Somehow the registration needed, did not go through. As some of the games were part of a small 3D demo, I had the chance to view them and decided, that they weren't worth putting a lot of effort into getting them.
Sadly, at the moment there are very few movies which offer 3D support. The only one I would really want, is Avatar 3D. But as Panasonic has the exclusive rights till 2012 to sell Avatar 3D with their own TVs, this won't be happening any time soon. On ebay the movie sells for around 100 EUR, which is far more than I am willing to spend...
I am pleased with the Sony KDL-46NX710, 46" 3D TV Bundle Promotion PS3. I got a second PS3, which I right now don't need. Nor do I really have a need for the 3D feature. Probably, I would rather go for a non 3D-TV at the moment as prices for 3D-TVs will drop when more movies and games arrive.
Not that I am not happy with the 46NX710. It is a beautiful piece of hardware and I can't say nothing bad about it. But if I were on a tighter budget, I would rather not buy a 3D-TV right now.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
LotRO - Flagit and Gaerdring
Since the latest patch, both Flagit in DN and Gaerdring in the Maze GB have got an update.
Up till now, they were healing when hit during their shield-up phase but damage over time did not heal them. This has changed. Now they even get healed with bleeds and other damage over time, even if those attacks were started before the shield-up-phase.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO
Ale Association and Inn League Quests in less than one hour
There are several guides, how to do the quests the fastest way. This is what worked best for me. One source was this one.
You should get 4'400 Reputation for both Inn League and Ale Association in UNDER an hour. If you got a hunter, that is. I doubt, other classes can do this.
Before you can start with these quests, you need to do the initial quests for both fractions. One starts in the Prancing Pony (which is in Bree), the other near the Party Tree in the Shire.
What is the reason for doing both? If you only do one, you get to kindred much faster. For each quest you do, you gain 900 Reputation for the delivery fraction and loose 400 Reputation for the other fraction. With eleven quests, you can gain 4'400 for each fraction per day (net).
As an additional reward, you get a badge for ever quest you do for the AA and for the IL. For one such badge, you get three festival tokens, so if you get to kindred on this path, you can get lots and lots of festival marks. I hardly need to grind the festival quests, as this way, I hardly run out of marks at all.
An other thing you should do in advance, is collect the ales needed. Buy a full stack as they are cheap and it is no use, wasting your time:
Prancing Pony (Bree)
* Moor-boar Beer
* Stars of Old
Combe & Wattle Inn (Combe)
* Beakbreaker Ale
Thorin's Hall Inn (Thorin's Hall)
* Bombur's Beard Lager
Limael's Vineyard (Celondim)
* Limael's Vintage
Bird & Baby Inn (Michel Delving)
* Blagrove's Brown
Ivy Bush (Hobbiton)
* Thistlebelly Brew
Golden Perch (Stock)
* Brandy Wine
Forsaken Inn (Lone Lands)
* Swill
* Forsaken Ale
The Last Homely House (Rivendell)
* Dorwinion White
As you can't be on the quest for the same person for both fractions and because you can bring the beverages for the IL quests, you need to get all eleven AA quest at one of the central hubs.
When you hand in the AA, you can talk to the npc again and get the IL quest and directly afterwards hand the quest in. Some npcs like to talk and act, so be patient.
This is how I do it:
Start in the Prancing Pony, get the 11 AA quests.
Get two drinks.
Either map to Bree Homesteads and ride to Forsaken Inn or place map at Forsaken Inn and map there. Get drink
Port to Michel Delving, get drink
Ride Hobbiton, get drink
Ride Bywater, get 2 drinks
Ride Frogmorton, get drink
Ride Brockenborings, get drink, hand in
Ride Oatbarton, hand in
Port West Bree
Ride Thornley, hand in
Port Esteldin
take horse to Othrikar, hand in
Port Aughair, hand in
Port Rivendell, get drink
Swift Hrimbarg, hand in
Swift Rivendell, Swift Gwringis (dismount when Gwringis is loaded)
Ride Echad Candelleth, hand in
Port Thorin, get drink
Ride Refuge, hand in
Ride Thrasi Lodge (or use map), hand in
Post Ost Guruth
Ride Ost Haer, hand in
Port Forochel
Swift Zigilgund, hand in
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: Ale Association, Inn League, LotRO
LotRO - Are you ready to rumble?
Now that most of the instances can be reached by the skirmish-menu, probably much to the relief of Captains, our raids seem to start with much less delay.
What is deplorable is that many people lack the consumables needed.
Highest on the list are tokens. I usually have three stacks of plus five tokens on each of my raiding characters (usually one stack 40 minutes, 30 minutes and 15 minutes). It is always the same group of people who pop tokens before the fight and the same slackers that cry for one after a rez even though you know, they didn't pop one to start with. This gets on my fucking nerves...
Sadly, you can't inspect bags before the raid. Even more sad, that you should be able to do that in a kin.
I understand, that not everyone has a jeweller. But four of the seven vocations have prospector as one of the three professions. I am more than happy to craft tokens for those kinnies, who don't have a jeweller, just bring me the mats. If you are a historian and need tokens, trade some scrolls for tokens.
If you have only a yeoman, you can provide food for the raid. As a woodsman, you can at least do some farming.
Crafting does not take that much time. I usually use a warden to farm scholar- and prospector-nodes (yes, I got more than one warden). The out-of-combat-run-speed-skill does make farming nodes easier. I sometimes even triple-box, running from node to node on two accounts, crafting on my third account (this gets me killed in some places though...)
About one hour work gives enough consumables for one month heavy raiding. Some of my produce I put in the raid-chest or send to officers and friends.
So when it is this easy, why do I complain? Because when someone dies, get rezed and has to beg for a token, this wastes time and risks that he dies again (as due to dread, his health is reduced a lot). As many of the new fights punishes deaths, a further death increases the risk of a wipe.
Posted by
Ian Norman
LotRO - The Lieutenant of Dol Guldur has been nerfed
We had an (in the end) successfull Hard-Mode run on the Lieutenant yesterday. Somehow, I am not sure, if we really deserved it. On the other hand, it was my first attempt on Lore-Master and I still am happy, to be part of a successfull run.
The Lore-Master is the third class I brought to the LT (after Hunter and Minstrel). My role as Lore-Master? Battery for the Minstrel and healing Rune-Keeper as well as a bit of debuffing, corruption removal and pet-keeper.
After two wipes, the third attempt was a success. Even thought the fight has been nerfed A LOT it still needs some skill and coordination. Positioning is still a problem for a lot of people and whenever possible, I try not to stand still in one place. I think most would be overstrained to do the fight like I do, but I do die less than the rest.
I did die on the first attempt. I was kiting the Fellbiest and had to run through two pools. Dread was high already, so I was on half health. I took one damage and resisted the other pool and lost the fixate of the fell-biest. I was running to the group and wanted to use a health-potion, when I got hit by the breath of the Fellbiest. They have nerfed some aspects of the fight, but the breath-attack seems to go further than previously.
Winning one or two more pieces (I have 135 radiance on the Lore-Master) will much reduce the effect of the dread and make me more efficient.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: Dol Guldur, Lieutenant, LotRO
My journey to Winter-Home
The Yule Festival has brought us a new location, Winter-Home. As the name indicates, it is covered in snow. I am not sure, where it lies, lore-wise, but from Michel Delving the horse goes west, up the hill.
There were (and still are) lots of complaints about the quests. So let's look at them, one by one.
Frostbuff Theatre has a daily quest (attend a show) which is fun to do. The theatre is also the best addition to LotRO and the theatre-housing-item is beautiful. There are no further quests, but a lot of titles, some deeds, and even 30 codies- or turbine-points to be earned per character. Not bad for less than two hours work.
You also get a Frostbuff Rotten Fruit and Frostbuff Flower Petals you can use ingame and I just need those (at least the Rotten Fruit) on all of my raiding characters ;)
Outside of the town, there is a field with Snowmen where you can fight snowball-battles. This is an easy and fast way to get Frostbuff coins. I even think, there is no limit to do these quests. So with a friend, you can get almost any amount of coins per day. These quest also seem to count on the quest-counter for the yule-festival.
The earned coins, you can either exchange for Yule-Tokens or give to beggars in a quest. The quest is on a daily counter and there is a hidden deed connected with it (I think you need to repeat the quest ten times to get some coins back and earn the title "the Openhanded".
The other quests are, hm, dubious. With the starving people in the town, I just couldn't bring myself to do the eat-as-much-as-you-can-quest. Nor did I want to rob the rich. Nor did I want to clean the vomit from the tables. Bringing a cask of ale to the drunk is a bit a grey area.
After a certain amount of quests, you get to choose either a nice set of clothes with a bad title or a set of worn out clothers and a good title. Right now, I am not sure, if it really checks if you did good or bad quests. I rather doubt it. So even if you did all the good quests (which are few) you still might be able to choos the nice set with the bad title "the miser". I will test this in the next days and report back.
I bought some snow men and the theatre for the kin-house. I also got some of the Yule-Wall-Decorations, but still need two of the Man-Yule-Wall-Decorations.
Still, I do think, that Winter-Home is a nice addition and I like having the choice not to do some quests, when it doesn't feel right.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO, Winter-Home, Yule
Friday, 17 December 2010
LotRO - Skeleton Horse
As I already have suspected, the Skeleton Horse will hit the store from December 17th till January 6th, 2011.
The price is 1'495 points. Up to this moment, I am not sure, if Europeans get the same deal, but it is very probable.
I thought about buying this for my Burglar, but at this price, I don't think so. As it is limited to one character something around 500 points would be ok (which is what I get as a life-timer per month).
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO, Skeleton Horse
Antikythera mechanism built with Lego.
Built in 150 to 100 BC, maybe by Posidonius on Rhodes, it was found on a sunken ship in 1900 near Crete.
The mechanism seems to be an astronomical analog calculator used to predict the positions of the sun, the plantes and the moon. Thirty gears have survived, others have been lost, some suggest, that there might been more than double that amount.
The work in the video was made by Andrew Carol, an Apple software engineer, out of 1'500 Lego pieces.
Posted by
Ian Norman
LotRO - Update
I came home late from work yesterday and didn't do much before the Dol Guldur raid. We had a perfect start, as all were online on time and ready to go. The gauntlet went without us even sweating. I brought my Minstrel and even thought I was the only one, I had not too much to do. I did have two Rune-Keepers on healing-duty.
After only a brief bio break before Durchest we entered and veni - vidi - vici he was dead soon afterwards. With all the debuffs working and an experienced group, this fight is no challenge anymore. I won the chest-piece which brings me up to five pieces (missing on the shoulders) on my Minstrel and my Hunter. On my Rune-Keeper, I have four pieces (missing the shoulders and the trousers) and my Lore-Master has only the chest-piece (which is also the prettiest).
Only compaint here, was that the Lore-Master did not keep me powered up... I sent him several tells during the fight, but he was very stingy.
The way up to the Twins was painless too. No wipes and only few deaths. Cargaraf and Morgaraf were no match and killed fast.
There were two gloves-barter-items dropping, but only one person who needed them. So we left one in the chest...
As the run up to now had been such a walk in the park, we decided to try the rest of the raid, the Lieutenant. As the rest of the raid, the way up went very well.
We killed the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur on the frist try on Hard-Mode but to be honest, if the developers hadn't castrated him, things would have been different.
With the debuffs working, he hits like a little girl. Same goes for the Fell-Biest. Worst of all, the purple eyes who were instant-death before are hitting for less then 2k damage and are no threat anymore.
Lots of people did a bad job on this fight, running to the wrong places at the wrong time, not reacting fast enough, not paying attention. We managed to kill him on Hard-Mode, but the fight was not handled properly.
On the plus side, I got a piece I was trying to get lots of times. And we did all three Hard-Modes on the first try. And everyone was there on time and the first two bosses were done very good. So lets be happy with that and not complain too much about the successful, but ugly Lieutenant Hard-Mode.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: Cargaraf und Morgaraf, Dol Guldur, Durchest, Lieutenant, LotRO
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
LotRO - Update
We had a successful Lieutenant Hard-Mode run with three new people and no wipes. LT HM seems to be easier than Durchest or the Twins...
The run yesterday did not take place, as there were not enough sign-ups. I did do some book-quests on my Guardian and I reached the first quest-hub in Enedwaith.
I stationed him there and started doing the book-quests on my Warden. The book-quest involve a lot of traveling. As players have complained about this, Turbine has now changed some of the quest-rewards and has added a quick-travel-map (one-use) to the next quest-giver. For the Warden I have used this instead of some vendor-trash rewards.
Both Warden and Guardian have a very high survivability. On some classes, I had some difficulties if I had pulled too many enemies and did not have any good self-healing skills (Champion) or if the npcs I need to protect, died. With Warden and Guardian, things were much easier, even though it might take more time in some instances.
I took the Lore-Master through Dol Guldur and killed Durchest and the Twins. Didn't get a part of the set, lousy rolls, but got the best Lore-Master sword. It is called Saelwagol and has the best tactical crit rating of all swords ingame at this moment.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
LotRO - Update
I bought the first four pieces of Armour of the Aurochs (Helegrod) for my Hunter and as I don't like its look, I use the Far-arrow's Armour (Barad Guldur) as a cosmetic.
With my Champion and my Lore-Master I did some quests in Enedwaith, only the quests in the Hobbit-village Maur Tulhau remain. As that are only about ten, I will be finished soon, probably even tonight.
Usually, I do these quests earlier, but as the starter quest has to be done at night, I missed some opportunities.
Champion seems to be better than my raid-traited Lore-Master. It might be different, if I would retrait my Lore-Master to do some more dps. But I am cheap. There have been some updates with the latest patch, but I haven't had much time to check them.
The new barter-item-vault has freed some needes space in my bags. Much appreciated!
I have bought some new character-slots as they were on sale and I will roll some new characters. Classwise it will be Burgler (L), Warden (M) and Guardian (R). All of these will be Men, or rather Female. This means, I will miss out on the new starter areas for Elves and Dwarfs, but I already saw them in beta.
Why then start some new characters. Yes, I have enough. Two reasons. First I want a second kin to get a second kin house. I am not saying, that I will get one right now as there is no space in the two housing instances I am in. But for a future update, why not?
The vault update is nice. I would have liked to be able to select several items and move them at tht same time into an other chest. And I have to try to get some unity in my system, say all IXP runes in chest 10.
Farming is also in my focus as one of the areas, I didn't do everything yet. I want to get one farmer to make the best pipe-weeds, just for fun of it.
What will I do next? I will try to run more instances to get some more sets. If I can't join a raid, I plan on doing the Enedwaith quests on Guardian and then Warden.
After that, I want to get the reputation done on some characters and try to get more dp. I have signed up for lots of raids, hope to get some armour pieces more.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO
Sunday, 5 December 2010
LotRO - Update
This might have lead us to fool around a bit too much (we had some deaths at the first two guards), but the raid-leader got us back into shape. The Gauntlet went very well and after a first wipe, we had a good run. I won the chest-piece for my Lore-Master which really looks nice:
As my Lore-Master has green eyes and red hair, I did dye it green. We also managed to do the Twins on hard-mode and as two chest-pieces dropped, this gave the team five armour-pieces.
We also had three Symbols of Celebrimbor dropping which gave lots of people something to bring home.
After the fight, I went to Bree and answered some questions. Most questions are horse- and riding related. "Where can I get a horse" and such.
I try to answer them as best as I can and refer them to either lotrosteeds or this site.
An other interesting questions was how long a ingame-day was in real life. This source says, that the day/night cycle in LotRO is 3:06 long - 1:42 long for "day", and 1:24 long for "night"
Today, there is nothing on the calendar, so I plan to do some quests in Enedwaith with the Lore-Master and the Champion.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO
Friday, 3 December 2010
Sony 3D bundle
I got the Playstation 3 with the two goggles and the TMR-BR100 3D Transmitter.
On I entered the code I got for Gran Turismo 5. I used my email-address at the office, which I regret a bit, as the process didn't get any feedback.
I hope that when I go back to work on monday, there will be an email. I thought about registering again, this time with my private email, but the code was invalid. So something was registered on the other side.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Sony 3D Bundle
I got the HDMI-cable in my mail yesterday. Woot. First of four parts.
Even though I was at home yesterday, I missed the post-man who would have delivered the second parcel. Somehow, I fear that if I go and get the one parcel at the post-office this evening, I might have a notice to collect the second parcel at the post-office when I get home.
I am still not sure, what to do with the second PS3. I might sell it but I also just have two of them. Hm, will I continue to play in the PC-room, when I have a 3D TV set in my appartment?
Posted by
Ian Norman
LotRO - Update
I finished the main quests in Enedwaith on Burglar and Captain. If I am not grouping with kinsfolk, I am mostly on my Champion and Lore-Master. I am doing Volume 3, Book 1 and finished the Rift skirmish yesterday.
Since my last post, I got one Symbol of Celebrimbor and have used it to mak a fire-stone for my Rune-Keeper. Haven't done much with it though.
After my last crappy Captain Two-Handed-Sword I had a lot of luck and made him one with four good stats. Sadly, the reforges were bad so that it is rather mediocre (still better than what I got though).
I brought my Guardian for the first time to Dar Narbugud and tanked most of the bosses for the first time. Lucky for me (and the kin), this instance is level 60 (I think) and all went well. I even won a piece of the armour with a 500 on a /roll 500. Nice.
I am never sure, if I should even roll on those instances. I doubt I will ever get a full set. But I think, that most want it more for the cosmetic quality than to actually use it. It isn't even looking that great...
Yesterday we did an other Barad Guldur run for the two bosses. The officers hat a meeting at a short notice, so a Kinnie had to lead the raid. We did have enough sign-ups and most of them even showed-up.
But one person had to go away for ten minutes (he was gone for almost half an hour). An other crashed and didn't come back in (had to switch to Lore-Master). One more had problems with his vent and an other was awol too.
So after half an hour, and lots of switching, we started the fight. I think we did quite well with the gauntlet. Durchest was an other story. We wiped on the first try. I had to retrait my Lore-Master as I hadn't planned on bringing him that night so I partly blame myself for the first wipe (not a big part, I think).
Durchest does hit hard and we only had one Minstrel and two Rune-Keepers in this fight. I'd rather have two Minstrels healing this fight and don't think, that one Minstrel is enough. We had lots of deaths and when the Minstrel went down and there was no-one able to rez him, we wiped.
The fight had lasted very long. The fourty-minutes scrolls and tokens wore off at some point during the fight and I did repop a token to get at least some hope.
How did I do on the second run? I think I did quite well. I gave out a lot of power, mainly to the Minstrel, but also to the Rune-Keepers. Sometimes, I even had enough power to give to the Captains and the Guardian. I think I had the debuffs on most of the time. The skill lasts for 75 seconds and has a 60 seconds cooldown. Whenever I saw it was reaplieable, I did.
I started with debuffing Durchest, "See all Ends", "Command", "Ancient Craft", "Wind-Lore" and "Gust of Wind", then I used "Dispel Corruption" if it was needed followed by handing out power.
Before draining power from Durchest, I moved a bit away of the action to a quit spot, drew power and restarted my debuffing.
I am not sure, if this is the way to do it or if I should have used "Warding Knowledge: Dead" or something else. Might ask in the kin next time.
Radiance could have made it more difficult, as I only have 120 on my Lore-master. I think I should have 135...
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: Barad Guldur, Durchest, LotRO
LotRO - Ressources
Are you interested in Armour sets of Lord of the Rings Online?
Darzil has them all. Or at least all I know about.
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO, Ressources
LotRO - Ressources
An other Link I often use, is the LotRO Horse site:
One picture is the new, 2010 Yule Festival Horse.
It is very pretty and I like it better than the two already in game:
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: LotRO, Ressources