There are several guides, how to do the quests the fastest way. This is what worked best for me. One source was this one.
You should get 4'400 Reputation for both Inn League and Ale Association in UNDER an hour. If you got a hunter, that is. I doubt, other classes can do this.
Before you can start with these quests, you need to do the initial quests for both fractions. One starts in the Prancing Pony (which is in Bree), the other near the Party Tree in the Shire.
What is the reason for doing both? If you only do one, you get to kindred much faster. For each quest you do, you gain 900 Reputation for the delivery fraction and loose 400 Reputation for the other fraction. With eleven quests, you can gain 4'400 for each fraction per day (net).
As an additional reward, you get a badge for ever quest you do for the AA and for the IL. For one such badge, you get three festival tokens, so if you get to kindred on this path, you can get lots and lots of festival marks. I hardly need to grind the festival quests, as this way, I hardly run out of marks at all.
An other thing you should do in advance, is collect the ales needed. Buy a full stack as they are cheap and it is no use, wasting your time:
Prancing Pony (Bree)
* Moor-boar Beer
* Stars of Old
Combe & Wattle Inn (Combe)
* Beakbreaker Ale
Thorin's Hall Inn (Thorin's Hall)
* Bombur's Beard Lager
Limael's Vineyard (Celondim)
* Limael's Vintage
Bird & Baby Inn (Michel Delving)
* Blagrove's Brown
Ivy Bush (Hobbiton)
* Thistlebelly Brew
Golden Perch (Stock)
* Brandy Wine
Forsaken Inn (Lone Lands)
* Swill
* Forsaken Ale
The Last Homely House (Rivendell)
* Dorwinion White
As you can't be on the quest for the same person for both fractions and because you can bring the beverages for the IL quests, you need to get all eleven AA quest at one of the central hubs.
When you hand in the AA, you can talk to the npc again and get the IL quest and directly afterwards hand the quest in. Some npcs like to talk and act, so be patient.
This is how I do it:
Start in the Prancing Pony, get the 11 AA quests.
Get two drinks.
Either map to Bree Homesteads and ride to Forsaken Inn or place map at Forsaken Inn and map there. Get drink
Port to Michel Delving, get drink
Ride Hobbiton, get drink
Ride Bywater, get 2 drinks
Ride Frogmorton, get drink
Ride Brockenborings, get drink, hand in
Ride Oatbarton, hand in
Port West Bree
Ride Thornley, hand in
Port Esteldin
take horse to Othrikar, hand in
Port Aughair, hand in
Port Rivendell, get drink
Swift Hrimbarg, hand in
Swift Rivendell, Swift Gwringis (dismount when Gwringis is loaded)
Ride Echad Candelleth, hand in
Port Thorin, get drink
Ride Refuge, hand in
Ride Thrasi Lodge (or use map), hand in
Post Ost Guruth
Ride Ost Haer, hand in
Port Forochel
Swift Zigilgund, hand in
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Ale Association and Inn League Quests in less than one hour
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: Ale Association, Inn League, LotRO
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