I finished the main quests in Enedwaith on Burglar and Captain. If I am not grouping with kinsfolk, I am mostly on my Champion and Lore-Master. I am doing Volume 3, Book 1 and finished the Rift skirmish yesterday.
Since my last post, I got one Symbol of Celebrimbor and have used it to mak a fire-stone for my Rune-Keeper. Haven't done much with it though.
After my last crappy Captain Two-Handed-Sword I had a lot of luck and made him one with four good stats. Sadly, the reforges were bad so that it is rather mediocre (still better than what I got though).
I brought my Guardian for the first time to Dar Narbugud and tanked most of the bosses for the first time. Lucky for me (and the kin), this instance is level 60 (I think) and all went well. I even won a piece of the armour with a 500 on a /roll 500. Nice.
I am never sure, if I should even roll on those instances. I doubt I will ever get a full set. But I think, that most want it more for the cosmetic quality than to actually use it. It isn't even looking that great...
Yesterday we did an other Barad Guldur run for the two bosses. The officers hat a meeting at a short notice, so a Kinnie had to lead the raid. We did have enough sign-ups and most of them even showed-up.
But one person had to go away for ten minutes (he was gone for almost half an hour). An other crashed and didn't come back in (had to switch to Lore-Master). One more had problems with his vent and an other was awol too.
So after half an hour, and lots of switching, we started the fight. I think we did quite well with the gauntlet. Durchest was an other story. We wiped on the first try. I had to retrait my Lore-Master as I hadn't planned on bringing him that night so I partly blame myself for the first wipe (not a big part, I think).
Durchest does hit hard and we only had one Minstrel and two Rune-Keepers in this fight. I'd rather have two Minstrels healing this fight and don't think, that one Minstrel is enough. We had lots of deaths and when the Minstrel went down and there was no-one able to rez him, we wiped.
The fight had lasted very long. The fourty-minutes scrolls and tokens wore off at some point during the fight and I did repop a token to get at least some hope.
How did I do on the second run? I think I did quite well. I gave out a lot of power, mainly to the Minstrel, but also to the Rune-Keepers. Sometimes, I even had enough power to give to the Captains and the Guardian. I think I had the debuffs on most of the time. The skill lasts for 75 seconds and has a 60 seconds cooldown. Whenever I saw it was reaplieable, I did.
I started with debuffing Durchest, "See all Ends", "Command", "Ancient Craft", "Wind-Lore" and "Gust of Wind", then I used "Dispel Corruption" if it was needed followed by handing out power.
Before draining power from Durchest, I moved a bit away of the action to a quit spot, drew power and restarted my debuffing.
I am not sure, if this is the way to do it or if I should have used "Warding Knowledge: Dead" or something else. Might ask in the kin next time.
Radiance could have made it more difficult, as I only have 120 on my Lore-master. I think I should have 135...
Friday, 3 December 2010
LotRO - Update
Posted by
Ian Norman
Labels: Barad Guldur, Durchest, LotRO
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