Monday, 3 September 2007

Interview in BaZ

Some say, I am only critical of the political Right which is just not true. In the Basler Zeitung, there was an interview with Adolf Ogi and Jean Ziegler. They are the two top ranking Swiss UN-Officials. Adolf Ogi was elected to the Swiss Federal Council consisting of seven people and is the supreme executive and directional aughority of Switzerland.

He is (or at least was) a member of the center-right-wing Swiss People’s Party and in 2001 he was appointed to the task of Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace. I don’t like him and think of him of being rather silly.

I don’t know, if he was involved here , but it might be possible. What I got angry about most in his article was his statement, that „besides the Vatican, every state is a UN-member“. Hello Mr. Ogi, ever heard about Taiwan? 24 million democrats not being represented in the UN.

I sent him a mail to and will post his reply.

Jean Ziegler is even worse. I really hate him and feel ashamed for him as a Swiss and as a Social-Democrat. He believes that the US is an „imperalistic dictatorship“ and is commiting „genocide“ agianst the people of Cuba by means of ist trade embargo.

In the interview he writes that „Israeli state-terrorism rules in Palaestine“, „every child that starves to death is murdered by the American agro-corporations“. I won’t comment on these statements because I belief that they are just too stupid. But I don’t want the reader to think that those two are the best we can offer.

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