Friday 10 August 2007

HIV trial in Libya

is about five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor all sentenced to death because they were accused to have willingly infected over 400 children with HIV. There were a lot of international and independent investigations, which proved that they were in fact innocent.

The recent development is that the Son of Muammar al-Gaddafi, Dictator and Evil Ruler of Libya, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi (which means Sword of Islam) admitted, that the accused were tortured with electric shocks to get the confessions.

How do we reward such a bad person, also responsible for the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 aka Lockerbie? Nicolas Sarkozy, current President of pathetic France, thinks that selling weapons is the right answer, also bribing might be a good Idea. Bulgaria is relieved, that the six are back home and have also paid as well as Czech Republic, Slovakia and Qatar.

Why shouldn’t we just bomb Gaddafi into smithereens? Or at least break contact with that country? They have oil and we need them to help guard the southern border of Europe from immigrants.

We do not live in a perfect world.

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