Friday 17 August 2007

Siedler 6 Open Beta, Part 2

I replayed Siedler 6 beta for some hours. What I miss most is need. I do not bother, if the settlers succeed or not. Even if they are unhappy, there is no real feedback. They might stand on the marketplace and shout, which is less threatening than Anno 1701 rioting settlers who would burn down the houses.

And there seems to be too little to do. Once you built the main structure, there is no need for fine tuning. It is not even possible to do so.

I also missed the postcard view of Anno 1701 which allowed to get nice screenshots if you zoomed in to the max.

Sielder 6, the final version, will need much more. I liked the different types of settlers from Anno 1701, who had their own needs and would leave or riot, if one did not fullfill them. In Sielder 6 beta, they still pay taxes even if on strike. And you only need money to build, military and trade.

But the build-up is soon done and there is a somewhat natural city-limit which makes it unnecessary to build your city too big. And there is a 1000-settlers total city-limit.

I didn’t use military a lot, because there weren’t enough different types of soldiers. And there was no enemy.

Trade was equally unnecessary. I had to buy cows and sheep if I wanted to have milk (for cheese) and wool (for clothing). But there was nothing more to buy.

I’ll might try a demo, but from “wanting to buy” I have moved to “cautious”.

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