Friday, 10 August 2007

Love thy neighbour as thyself

I do not hat Muslims or the Islam, I do not hate Jews or Christians or any other faiths. I do not see Scientology as a religion so I can exclude them from my “no hate list”.

Islam means submission. And I do not like to submit. I of course would submit to God, if he/she/it exists and would contact me directly (or though Metatron or any other angel). And I am not going to argue if Jesus was the physical Son of God or if it was God, the Devil or a voice in his own crazy voice who talked with Mohammed.

The problem is, that even if I’d accept, that Mohammed received the Koran from God, we sometimes do not know, what the verses tell us. When we look at the Muslim world, some scholars say, suicide-bombings are legal (always according to the Koran) other say it is not. Some say, women are equal to men, some say they are not. Some say women must cover their body completely, some say they should be modest but do not have to cover every inch of their body. Some say, Islam is tolerant, but even in Turkey, a country with a modest Islam, Christians can’t build or even renovate their churches. In Saudi Arabia there are no churches.

My point? The situation is that we can neither ask God or Mohammed ourselves, we have to submit not to God but to someone who thinks that he knows what Gods will is. And a lot of people are willing to give up their freedom and follow someone who says, he has the truth but in fact he has not.

I think of myself not as a true Christian. I hope that there is a God and hope there is an afterlife. Like Ghandi the Sermon on the Mount has touched me. And as the movie Dogma, I think, that we know what is right and what is wrong (even if we sometimes act different) and that Charity (Love thy neighbour as thyself) should be everyone’s motto.

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