Sunday, 26 August 2007

Private: Bioshock

I didn’t write for some time, but I want to tell you about my last days. I will take scuba diving lessons in September.

On Thursday, I bought Bioshock, a computer game I was looking forward to play for some months. The intro was a bit disappointing but as soon as the plane crashed down, the experience changed for a better.

The graphics is in most part not as spectacular as I had anticipated but at least it ran smoothly on my 23 inch display.

I was pleased with the immersing game experience. The story is well told even though the gameplay is extremely linear.

After the crash, you emerge in the ocean, surrounded by burning oil and sinking debris. The only feature in the night not directly connected do the plane crash is a lighthouse and after a short swim you find a open door.

As soon as you enter, the door closes and the before dark room is lit by some lights. A large sculptured face looks down on you and gives an eerie feeling. As the door outside is closed, the only way leads some steps down to a small submarine, which, after entering brings you to Rapture, the City of the free.

As you arrive in the terminal, the guy trying to get in contact with you gets whacked and the assailant flees the scene. You then leave the sub and find indications of turmoil and demonstrations.

Soon afterwards you get attacked by the former assailant who herself gets killed by a mechanical sentry system.

The theme is that Rapture was built for humans to be free of „the man in Washington, from the man in the Vatican and the man in Moscow. But some experiments of the free scientists seem have gone wrong and even though I have seen the first Little Sisters and Big Daddys, I still have a lot of questions.

What I like is the atmosphere, the architecture, like in the movie Metropolis, Art Deco, etc. And even though one could rush through the game quickly, there is a lot to explore and I will continue to explore Rapture and tell you of its secrets.

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