Monday, 20 August 2007

Iran's new truth

Reporters without Borders states, that the situation of the press in Iran is very serious.

read more here

Journalists are in danger of arrests, being jailed or held in secret location without access to a lawyer. Censorship is harsh and constant self-censorship is the only way to survive. But still, several media-outlets were physically attacked during 2006. Government organisations and koranic schools ransacked and set fire to the offices of the Tamadone Hormozgan after its journalists were charged with “insulting Ayatollah Khomeini.”

It is dangerous to write about social taboos, religion, women’s rights and ethnic problems. To criticise the regime’s leaders is also near impossible.

The Internet is an evil place, according to the Iranian Dictator and his little helpers. They are filtering 10 million "immoral" websites. Pornographic sites, political sites and those dealing with religion are usually the ones most targeted. They also seem to be very afraid of women’s rights. And broadband connections are banned too.

But now crazy Ahmadinejad so called President of the Islamic Republic of Iran has found the solution in PRESS TV stating, “The mission of the media is that of the prophets”. PRESS TV would “very quickly” become the flag bearer of the “anti-arrogance” (Western imperialists) crusaders in the field of media.

The prime task of the “Press TV”, the new 24 hours, English language network of the State-owned, leader-controlled Iranian Radio and Television is to “counter” major international mass media like CNN or the BBC in offering viewers and listeners news and views on “unbiased, balanced, true, just and open” basis challenging the “biased, one sided, double-standard, distorted” items projected by the Western media.

I read some articles on PRESS TV and as expected, its pro Iranian, anti Zionist, anti US. Some are quite normal, a lot are very biased and full of lies such as “Manchester … like … London … is famous for gun violence.” or that Negroponte was working with former Saddam regime’s security agents to destroy the sacred shrine in Samarra.

And, according to PRESS TV, there were no terrorist attacks by Muslims in the UK. Quoting Hedyeh Ghavidel on PRESS TV:

“The sloppy work done by the terrorists and the evidence left behind tracing them to the scene of the crime, the easy course of investigations leading to quick arrests suggests these terrorist launching attacks on Britain are very stupid and not very well organized in contrast with remarks made by British officials.

Is it really the al-Qaida who launched this attack or is it another interested party framing the Muslim nation by pointing the finger of blame at a terrorist group shunned by the Muslims?

[They acted stupid, therefore couldn’t be Muslims?]

Reports made by supposed eyewitnesses claiming that men being pulled away from the scene were crying "Allah! Allah" is only a means to convince the public Muslims are the big bad wolf.

[Which they are.]

Raising the security threat level to 'critical', which means another attack is imminent, transmits a clear 'hate your Arab or Muslim neighbours' message which is reminiscent of how the US rounded up the Japanese population in the Pearl Harbor incident in a camp.

[It is a fact, that the Japanese were aided by parts of the Japanese population before the Pearl Harbor attack.]

It is as though Britain is trying to follow in the steps of the global arrogance using the same threadbare propaganda 'blame the Muslims' as an opening act in the new adventures.

In the first act of this play, they enrage Muslims by knighting Rushdie and then they orchestrate a terrorist attack on an airport, which has nothing to do with Rushdie or the ongoing war, claiming Muslims are out to avenge Salman Rushdie's knighthood and the Iraq war.”

blue-is-beautiful has uncovered further lies, which I myself can’t comment on.

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